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Navigating the First 90 Days as a Chief People Officer

Starting a new role as a Chief People Officer (CPO) can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. The first 90 days are crucial for establishing your leadership, understanding the organization, and setting the course for your HR strategy. To help you make the most of this critical period, we've outlined key questions and actions you can take.

Do I Really Know the Business?

  • Understand the Revenue Streams: How does the company make money? What are the key products or services?
  • See the Big Picture: How does the business operate from different perspectives (sales, operations, finance, etc.)?
  • Experience the Product: Have you had a chance to use or experience the company's offerings firsthand?
  • Build Relationships: Have you connected with all the key stakeholders and decision-makers?

Do I Have a Broad Map of HR Activities?

  • Assess Current State: What HR initiatives are already in place? Which ones are working well?
  • Identify Strengths: What HR programs are innovative or considered best-in-class?
  • Align with Business Goals: Are HR activities contributing to the company's strategic objectives?

Do I Have a Sense of the Key HR Priorities?

  • Quick Wins: Are there any initiatives that can deliver early results and demonstrate your impact?
  • Annual Goals: What are the key HR priorities you can commit to achieving this year?
  • Team Assessment: Do you have the right People/HR team in place to execute your strategy?

Have I Demonstrated My Style in the Transition?

  • Respect the Past, Shape the Future: Acknowledge your predecessor's contributions while setting a new agenda.
  • Time Management: How are you allocating your time and energy? Are you focusing on the most impactful activities?
  • Raise the Bar: How will you elevate the HR function and contribute to the company's success?

The first 90 days are a learning journey. Be curious, ask questions, and actively listen. Build strong relationships with your team, stakeholders, and leadership. And most importantly, be confident in your ability to lead and make a positive impact!

If compensation has been identified as one of your priorities, reach out and learn more about how Kamsa's comprehensive solutions can help you take it off your plate - whether it's budgeting for salary increases, job leveling across the org, pay equity concerns, or updating your pay ranges, our experts are here to help.

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